Forbes, March 15, 2010 Issue: "Nifty Software Created by Reality Mobile"

We are proud to tell you that Reality Mobile is featured in the March 15th issue of Forbes magazine. Check out the story online at the Forbes website and in the print issue hitting newsstands this week.







Highlighting our recently announced work with SAIC and the Port of Los Angeles, the article takes a look at how RealityVision can be used in several different industries, including utilities, defense and oil and gas. The article also hits on how essential the mobile access to information and collaboration we provide is in critical situations. When seconds count telepresence and videoconferencing solutions just don’t provide the tools organizations need to respond quickly and strategically to unplanned events. 

As the reporter, Christopher Helman, notes:

“The business case for this technology: When something goes wrong, the person who knows best how to fix it is probably thousands of miles away. New York utility ConEd has deployed software with crews that respond to downed power lines. Oil companies could use it to let a semiretired engineer, lounging poolside with his laptop, help a roughneck fix a broken valve on a platform in the Gulf of Mexico.

‘If it's on your screen, then people in your network can see it,’ says Patrick McVeigh, chairman of Reality Mobile and former chief executive at Palmsource. ‘This is telepresence at the edge.’”

Forbes also created this visual for the article, which nicely emphasizes the business case:

Interested in seeing RealityVision in action? Click here to request a demo.